Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.
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T-Ball is an introduction for first time and young baseball and softball players.
- Ages 4-6
- Learn fundamentals
- Try all positions
- Have fun!
Baseball Minors A
The Single A experience is where kids are introduced to live pitched baseballs from the coach.
- Ages 6-8
- Rotate positions
- Everyone bats
- Coaches on the field during games.
Softball Minors B
The Minor B division is where players first experience live pitched softballs from a coach or a machine.
- Ages 6-9
- Rotate positions
- Everyone bats
- Coaches on the field during games.
Baseball Minors AA
The minor "AA" experience is where kids are first introduced to live player pitching.
- Ages 7-9
- Assigned positions
- Coaches and parents umpire
- No tryouts
Softball Minors A
The softball minor "A" experience is where kids are first introduced to live player pitching.
- Ages 9-11
- Skill levels vary widely among athletes
- Everyone bats regardless of position
- Draft/tryouts (everyone makes a team)
Baseball Minors AAA
Higher competition level, and umpires follow the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball.
- Ages 9-12
- Skills vary widely
- Draft/tryouts
- Everyone bats
Softball Majors
The major division is where athletes are a bit bigger and stronger and the level of competition increases
- Ages 10-12
- Competitive level of play
- Positions are assigned based on a player’s ability
- Games managed for team development first then individual skill development
Baseball Majors
The major division is where athletes are a bit bigger and stronger and the level of competition increases
- Ages 10-12
- Competitive level of play
- Positions are assigned based on a player’s ability
- Games managed for team development first then individual skill development
Softball Juniors
This level uses a traditional 43-foot pitching distance and 60-foot bases.
- Ages 13-14
- Competitive level of play
- Positions are assigned based on a player’s ability
- Games managed for team development first then individual skill development
Baseball Juniors
Full high school/college/pro field size, with 90-foot bases.
- Ages 13-15
- Competitive level of play
- Positions are assigned based on a player’s ability
- Games managed for team development first then individual skill development
Softball Seniors
This level uses a traditional 43-foot pitching distance and 60-foot bases.
- Ages 14-16
- Competitive level of play
- Positions are assigned based on a player’s ability
- Games managed for team development first then individual skill development
Baseball Seniors
Full high school/college/pro field size, with 90-foot bases.
- Ages 14-16
- Competitive level of play
- Positions are assigned based on a player’s ability
- Games managed for team development first then individual skill development
Note: all Baseball Divisions are co-ed eligible.
Tryouts/Player Evaluations/Draft
Any baseball player wishing to play on AAA and Majors team and any softball player wishing to play Minors A and above will need to attend Player Evaluations to determine team and division placement. Below is the schedule for player evaluations:
We will hold 2 player evaluation sessions in early February for AAA and Majors Baseball Division, and one for softball.
Saturday, February 1 @ Browns Point Elementary in NE Tacoma (baseball)
Saturday, February 8 @ Hunt Middle School (baseball)
Saturday, February 8 @ Foss Softball Field (softball)
Note, AAA and Majors players only need to attend one session. If you are unable to attend the time assigned to your players age, feel free to sign up for one of the other sessions.
Additional Information
Financial Assistance
If you are in need of financial assistance to cover registration fees, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Our league supplies each team manager with catchers gear. Players purchase their own helmets and bats (and several have their own catchers gear in upper divisions). Before you purchase, make sure you read about the required the Little League Rules for bats and helmet modifications. Little League International has put a moratorium on composite bats. More information is provided by your team manager at the beginning of the season.
Little League International Rules
All Players: You will be allowed to register your player in a division according to their birth date. In accordance with Little League International standards, we require proof of residence and will verify all birth dates. The following will be electronically signed during registration: proof of residence, medical waiver form, concussion consent form, and refund policy. Returning players will not be required to provide physical documents for the regular season. However all players selected to an All Star team will be required to provide physical proof of residency documents and an original certified birth certificate.
New Players: You will be required to show a certified birth certificate before your player will be assigned or drafted to a team. A photocopy of a birth certificate is not acceptable. Birth certificates can be ordered from They usually take 3-5 days to arrive but can take up to 18 business days. New players attending player evaluations must have their birth certificates verified before tryouts. Those who have not shown their birth certificate will not be drafted.
12 Year-old Waiver Rule: Please note that all players league age 12 must be drafted onto a Majors or Junior League team. Parents of 12 year-olds wishing their players to play down in Minors Softball or Baseball must fill out a waiver form and submit it to their Player Agent prior to player evaluations. The waiver request must then be approved by the Board and the District Administrator.